
91 Curses and Hexes writing prompts

Beware the Dark Spell

Daily Curses and Hexes Prompt

A character is cursed to turn everything they touch to stone.

Curses and hexes genre delves into narratives revolving around dark magic and its consequences. The stories often explore the origins, effects, and resolutions of curses or hexes, blending elements of suspense, mystery, and fantasy.

  1. Your protagonist is cursed to tell the truth at all times.
  2. A character accidentally curses themselves while trying to hex someone else.
  3. Your protagonist is a witch who specializes in breaking curses.
  4. A character is cursed to become invisible when they feel shy.
  5. Your protagonist must break a centuries-old family curse.
  6. Sponsored Content
  7. A character accidentally unleashes a curse when they open an ancient artifact.
  8. Your protagonist is cursed to fall in love with the wrong person over and over again.
  9. A character is hexed by a stranger and starts to transform into a mythical creature.
  10. Your protagonist has to break a curse before the next full moon.
  11. A character is cursed to relive the same day again and again.
  12. Your protagonist must undo a hex that they put on their best friend in anger.
  13. A character is cursed to lose everything they touch.
  14. Your protagonist discovers a book of hexes and accidentally curses their entire town.
  15. A character is cursed to forget everything but the person who cursed them.
  16. Your protagonist is a curse breaker who is cursed themselves.
  17. A character is cursed to always speak in riddles.
  18. Your protagonist must break a curse that causes everyone in their family to disappear on their 18th birthday.
  19. A character is cursed to change into an animal every time they sneeze.
  20. Your protagonist is cursed to always experience the opposite of what they wish for.
  21. A character has to break a hex that has been placed on their lover.
  22. Sponsored Content
  23. Your protagonist is a witch who has sworn off using hexes, until their loved one is cursed.
  24. A character is cursed to never fall in love.
  25. Your protagonist has to break a curse that has caused their entire village to fall into a deep sleep.
  26. A character is cursed to switch bodies with anyone they kiss.
  27. Your protagonist is a historian who accidentally releases an ancient curse.
  28. A character is cursed to turn into a ghost every night.
  29. Your protagonist must find a way to break a curse that makes everyone around them tell lies.
  30. A character is cursed to always feel the emotions of the people around them.
  31. Your protagonist has been cursed to only speak to animals.
  32. A character is cursed to always be surrounded by darkness.
  33. Your protagonist discovers that their family is cursed and sets out to break the curse.
  34. A character is cursed to age backwards.
  35. Your protagonist is a modern-day witch who uses hexes for good.
  36. A character accidentally curses their whole school and has to find a way to reverse it.
  37. Your protagonist is cursed to live the same life over and over again.
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  39. A character finds a cursed object and has to find a way to neutralize it.
  40. Your protagonist is cursed to live forever, but everyone they love is doomed to die young.
  41. A character accidentally hexes themselves and must seek the help of a retired witch.
  42. Your protagonist must break a hex that has turned all the food in their town into sand.
  43. A character is cursed to forget everyone they meet.
  44. Your protagonist is a curse detective who must solve a curse that has turned the mayor into a frog.
  45. A character is cursed to live their life in reverse.
  46. Your protagonist must break a hex that is causing everyone in their city to lose their voice.
  47. A character is cursed to always feel lost, no matter where they are.
  48. Your protagonist is a vengeful witch who uses hexes to punish the wicked.
  49. A character is cursed to transform into a different person every day.
  50. Your protagonist is cursed to see everyone as monsters.
  51. A character accidentally curses their own reflection and has to deal with the consequences.
  52. Your protagonist is cursed to never be able to sleep.
  53. A character is cursed to always speak in song lyrics.
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  55. Your protagonist is a witch who must break a hex she accidentally placed on herself.
  56. A character is cursed to turn everything they touch to stone.
  57. Your protagonist must break a curse that causes everyone to forget who they are at sundown.
  58. A character is cursed to fall in love with everyone they see.
  59. Your protagonist is a witch who is forbidden from using hexes and curses.
  60. A character is cursed to be a human by day and a ghost by night.
  61. Your protagonist must break a curse that causes them to transform into their worst fear.
  62. A character is cursed to always be unlucky.
  63. Your protagonist must break a curse that has turned their sibling into a tree.
  64. A character is cursed to be forgotten by everyone they meet.
  65. Your protagonist is a reluctant witch who must learn to control their hexes.
  66. A character is cursed to always be cold, no matter the temperature.
  67. Your protagonist must break a curse that is causing them to disappear piece by piece.
  68. A character is cursed to be unable to harm anyone, even in self-defense.
  69. Your protagonist is cursed to see the future but never the present.
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  71. A character is cursed to transform into a wolf every full moon.
  72. Your protagonist must break a hex that is causing all the crops in their village to die.
  73. A character is cursed to turn into a bird whenever they tell a lie.
  74. Your protagonist is a witch who uses hexes to help people.
  75. A character is cursed to never be able to refuse a request.
  76. Your protagonist is a demon who is cursed to only be able to do good deeds.
  77. A character is cursed to always find themselves in dangerous situations.
  78. Your protagonist must break a hex that has turned their family into animals.
  79. A character is cursed to be unable to feel any emotion.
  80. Your protagonist is a witch who has sworn off using curses, but is tempted when they are wronged.
  81. A character is cursed to transform into their worst enemy.
  82. Your protagonist must break a curse that has doomed their country to eternal winter.
  83. A character is cursed to be unable to leave their hometown.
  84. Your protagonist is a jinx who accidentally curses everyone they come into contact with.
  85. A character is cursed to be unable to speak any human language.
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  87. Your protagonist must break a curse that is causing everyone in their town to lose their memories.
  88. A character is cursed to always feel like they are drowning.
  89. Your protagonist is a fairy who is cursed to only be able to lie.
  90. A character is cursed to be unable to remember their past.
  91. Your protagonist must break a hex that is causing everyone in their town to turn into statues.
  92. A character is cursed to be unable to hear music.
  93. Your protagonist is cursed to always be chased by shadows.
  94. A character is cursed to be unable to see colors.
  95. Your protagonist must break a curse that is causing them to lose their senses one by one.
  96. A character is cursed to be unable to remember anyone's name.
  97. Your protagonist is a wizard who accidentally cursed himself while trying to hex a rival.
  98. Sponsored Content

Felix BlackFelix Black: Embracing the shadows as his muse, Felix weaves stories of the supernatural and the unknown, luring readers into a twilight world where the imagination reigns supreme. Alongside his love for writing, Felix has a passion for stargazing, finding inspiration in the mysteries of the cosmos, and often including celestial motifs in his narratives.

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