
97 Psychic Powers writing prompts

Mind over Matter

Daily Psychic Powers Prompt

A character can read minds but loses a piece of their own memory each time they do.

Psychic powers genre explores narratives featuring characters with extrasensory abilities. The stories often delve into the implications of such abilities, touching upon themes of knowledge, power, and human potential, often set within a speculative or supernatural framework.

  1. Your protagonist discovers they can hear people's thoughts after a near-death experience.
  2. A character is recruited by a secret government agency because of their ability to see the future.
  3. Your protagonist is a psychic detective, using their powers to solve unsolvable cases.
  4. A character learns they can control objects with their mind but can't control when it happens.
  5. Your protagonist is a skeptic until they start experiencing psychic visions.
  6. Sponsored Content
  7. A character is trying to hide their psychic abilities from their family.
  8. Your protagonist uses their psychic powers to cheat in casinos, until they are caught by another psychic.
  9. A character who can read minds is overwhelmed by the thoughts of a crowded city.
  10. Your protagonist has the power to see people's pasts by touching their personal belongings.
  11. A character can predict deaths, but no one believes them.
  12. Your protagonist can communicate with animals psychically.
  13. A character with psychic abilities is trying to live a normal life, but their powers keep getting in the way.
  14. Your protagonist is a scientist trying to prove the existence of psychic phenomena.
  15. A character can see other people's dreams.
  16. Your protagonist is a psychic who is losing their powers.
  17. A character can influence people's decisions with their mind.
  18. Your protagonist can astral project but gets stuck outside their body.
  19. A character uses their psychic powers to fight crime.
  20. Your protagonist can psychically connect with the internet.
  21. A character can see the future but can't tell when these events will happen.
  22. Sponsored Content
  23. Your protagonist can only hear the thoughts of people lying.
  24. A character who can read minds falls in love with someone whose mind they can't read.
  25. Your protagonist uses their psychic powers to heal people.
  26. A character with psychic powers is being hunted by a powerful organization.
  27. Your protagonist uses their psychic powers to find missing persons.
  28. A character can see the history of an object by touching it.
  29. Your protagonist can communicate with the dead.
  30. A character can manipulate emotions with their mind.
  31. Your protagonist is a psychic who helps ghosts pass on to the afterlife.
  32. A character who can see the future struggles to change a tragic event they have foreseen.
  33. Your protagonist can see into alternate dimensions.
  34. A character uses their psychic powers to help the police solve crimes.
  35. Your protagonist is a journalist who uses their psychic powers to expose corruption.
  36. A character can transfer their consciousness into other bodies.
  37. Your protagonist can speak any language through psychic understanding.
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  39. A character discovers that they can time travel in their dreams.
  40. Your protagonist has psychic powers but can only use them when they are scared.
  41. A character with psychic powers runs a fake psychic business, trying to keep their real abilities a secret.
  42. Your protagonist uses their psychic powers to win in the stock market.
  43. A character who can control elements with their mind.
  44. Your protagonist has the ability to make people forget certain memories.
  45. A character can influence the weather with their emotions.
  46. Your protagonist uses their psychic powers to help people overcome their fears.
  47. A character has psychic powers but loses a day of their life every time they use them.
  48. Your protagonist can perceive the emotions of people around them.
  49. A character can hear the thoughts of everyone within a ten-mile radius.
  50. Your protagonist can transport themselves to anywhere in the world in the blink of an eye.
  51. A character has the power to enter and control other people's dreams.
  52. Your protagonist can change their appearance with their mind.
  53. A character can sense danger before it happens.
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  55. Your protagonist is a teacher at a school for psychics.
  56. A character can read minds but loses a piece of their own memory each time they do.
  57. Your protagonist can teleport objects with their mind.
  58. A character can change the mood of a room with their thoughts.
  59. Your protagonist can perceive the true intentions of people.
  60. A character can heal people's illnesses with their psychic powers.
  61. Your protagonist has the power to make people fall asleep with their mind.
  62. A character can speak to plants and manipulate their growth.
  63. Your protagonist can manipulate electronic devices with their mind.
  64. A character has the power to make people see illusions.
  65. Your protagonist can see the aura of people and decipher their character.
  66. A character can communicate with machines psychically.
  67. Your protagonist can predict the outcome of any event.
  68. A character can sense the presence of supernatural entities.
  69. Your protagonist can relive the past of any place they visit.
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  71. A character can perceive the last thoughts of a deceased person by touching their body.
  72. Your protagonist can control animals with their mind.
  73. A character can project their thoughts into reality.
  74. Your protagonist can sense when someone is lying.
  75. A character can change the course of events by concentrating on a different outcome.
  76. Your protagonist can influence the luck of others.
  77. A character can see the invisible creatures that live among us.
  78. Your protagonist can remember everything they read in a glance.
  79. A character can cause others to feel physical sensations with their mind.
  80. Your protagonist can transfer their pain or injuries to someone else.
  81. A character can telepathically convince anyone to do anything.
  82. Your protagonist can move at superhuman speed when in danger.
  83. A character can manipulate the growth of nature.
  84. Your protagonist can send messages through time.
  85. A character can psychically create a protective shield around them.
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  87. Your protagonist can absorb information from books by touching them.
  88. A character can psychically control fire.
  89. Your protagonist can predict and avoid danger.
  90. A character can perceive the secrets of the universe when they sleep.
  91. Your protagonist can transform objects into other objects with their mind.
  92. A character can sense the deepest desires of people.
  93. Your protagonist can psychically disconnect people from their senses.
  94. A character can create psychic copies of themselves.
  95. Your protagonist can change the colors of objects with their mind.
  96. A character can interact with their past self in their dreams.
  97. Your protagonist can turn invisible when they hold their breath.
  98. A character can slow down or speed up time in a localized area.
  99. Your protagonist can psychically make plants bloom in an instant.
  100. A character can change people's perceptions of reality.
  101. Your protagonist can make people relive their happiest memories.
  102. Sponsored Content
  103. A character can create force fields that protect them from harm.
  104. Your protagonist can manipulate people's dreams.
  105. Sponsored Content

Winston HayesWinston Hayes: An old soul with a pen as his trusted companion, Winston draws inspiration from the whispers of ancient trees, sharing timeless stories that stand tall, like the steadfast oaks he holds dear. In his leisure, you’ll find Winston wandering through lush forests, seeking serenity among nature’s wonders, which often find their way into his enchanting narratives.

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