
94 Dystopian Science Fiction writing prompts

Futures We Fear

Daily Dystopian Science Fiction Prompt

The world is about to end. The only way to save it is to go back in time and change one specific moment in history.

Dystopian science fiction showcases futures we hope to avoid. These narratives are characterized by societal degradation, oppressive regimes, or post-apocalyptic settings, often examining human resilience and the pursuit of freedom.

  1. In a world where memories can be uploaded to the cloud, a hacker stumbles upon a memory that could topple the government.
  2. A society in which citizens are ranked by their IQ has caused an intellectual divide.
  3. After a deadly virus wipes out most of humanity, the survivors find themselves slowly losing their emotions.
  4. You're the last person left on Earth. Or so you thought until you received a mysterious radio signal.
  5. Everyone in your city is a clone. You've just discovered you're the original.
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  7. A scientist creates a time machine to prevent the disaster that turned the world into a dystopia, but gets stuck in the wrong time.
  8. The government now controls sleep. Everyone is allocated a specific number of hours, and exceeding your allotment is punishable by death.
  9. A society where every life decision is dictated by an algorithm, until one day it makes a mistake.
  10. The world's water supply is controlled by a single corporation, and you're on a mission to break their monopoly.
  11. In a world where love has been deemed a dangerous and forbidden emotion, two people fall in love.
  12. Humans live in a virtual reality paradise, while their bodies are used as batteries by their robot overlords.
  13. In a world where humans no longer need to eat, an old chef tries to revive the lost art of cooking.
  14. A utopian society has achieved perfection, but at what cost?
  15. An AI controls every aspect of human life. It was programmed to be benign, but someone just changed its programming.
  16. In a world ravaged by climate change, surviving humans live in massive, mobile cities.
  17. Your city is under a giant dome, supposedly to protect from the toxic outside world. You've just found out it's a lie.
  18. A society where everyone's profession is chosen by their genetic makeup. But you've been given a profession that doesn't match yours.
  19. After the 'Great Desolation', animals have evolved to become the dominant species. Humans are now at the bottom of the food chain.
  20. The government has been replaced by a hive-mind consciousness. You're the only one immune to its control.
  21. You're living in a society where aging is optional. However, the cost is more than just monetary.
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  23. In a world where music is illegal, a group of rebels forms a secret orchestra.
  24. A scientist invents a machine to predict the future. The machine predicts its own destruction.
  25. You wake up in a utopian world. Everyone is happy except you, because you remember the world before.
  26. In a world where people no longer need to sleep, dreams become a valuable black market commodity.
  27. Society is divided between the wealthy living on floating sky cities and the poor left behind on the ruined earth.
  28. Earth has been abandoned, and the remaining humans live on a network of interconnected space stations.
  29. In a society where emotions are illegal, a black market for 'feeling experiences' thrives.
  30. You discover that the world is a computer simulation, and you've just found the code to rewrite reality.
  31. You're a janitor at a facility where the last tree on earth is kept.
  32. Every baby born is engineered to be identical. One child, however, is born different.
  33. A world where the rich live for centuries while the poor can barely afford to reach their sixties.
  34. You're a journalist in a future where the truth is outlawed. Your secret blog is gaining popularity.
  35. A society where everyone's memories are publicly accessible. One day, all memories disappear.
  36. The Earth's rotation has slowed down, creating a permanent day on one side and eternal night on the other.
  37. In a world where death is no longer permanent, the space for the living starts to shrink.
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  39. The world is overpopulated. A 'Life Lottery' is introduced to control population size.
  40. A future where people can swap bodies. Your body has been stolen, and you must get it back.
  41. The government starts to criminalize human error. Even the smallest mistake could cost you your freedom.
  42. The moon is colonized and becomes a prison for Earth's most dangerous criminals.
  43. A world where climate change has created two classes: the 'Scorchers' who live on the hot surface and the 'Chillers' living in the cool underground.
  44. You live in a world where humans have to pass a test to earn their adulthood. Your test day has arrived.
  45. All books are banned, except one. You find a forbidden book and it changes everything.
  46. Artificial Intelligence has taken over the world, but one elderly woman refuses to be governed by machines.
  47. In a future where everyone's life expectancy is displayed above their heads, your number is extraordinarily high.
  48. In a society where relationships and marriage are forbidden, two people risk everything to be together.
  49. All children are raised by the state. You've been assigned to take care of the rebel leader's child.
  50. Humans are no longer born, they're manufactured. You're a factory worker who finds a baby in the wasteland.
  51. In a world where tears have become the most precious commodity, crying is a luxury only the rich can afford.
  52. Animals have gained human-level intelligence and have begun to fight for their rights.
  53. You live in a world where lies are physically painful. A new drug that suppresses this pain has hit the streets.
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  55. In a world where the sky has been replaced by a giant screen, you see something other than the usual propaganda for the first time.
  56. The world is about to end. The only way to save it is to go back in time and change one specific moment in history.
  57. The government allocates each person only a certain number of words to speak each day.
  58. In a world where your lifespan is determined by your wealth, a poor man is inexplicably living longer than expected.
  59. In the wake of a nuclear war, survivors have developed strange and dangerous mutations.
  60. After humanity colonizes Mars, Earth declares war.
  61. Humanity is forced to live underground after the surface becomes uninhabitable. You stumble upon an ancient device that can restore the surface.
  62. In a society where mental illness is seen as a divine gift, you are the most blessed.
  63. In a world where reading minds is the norm, a group of individuals with impenetrable minds have arisen.
  64. All human knowledge is stored in a super AI. It suddenly starts to delete information.
  65. In a society where currency is time, the rich are immortal and the poor die young.
  66. In a world where people stop aging at 25 until they find their soulmate, you've been 25 for a century.
  67. A society where all forms of art are banned. A group of rebel artists rise to bring color back into the world.
  68. The sun is dying and humanity sends a crew to reignite it.
  69. In a world where every child is genetically engineered to be perfect, a naturally conceived child is born.
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  71. A world where the last day of each person's life is broadcasted on TV.
  72. You discover that you are the last fertile person on Earth.
  73. Human consciousness can now be transferred to robotic bodies. A fault in the system causes you to switch bodies with a stranger.
  74. Humans have colonized another planet and treated its inhabitants the way they treated Earth.
  75. The Earth is flat and at the edge is a bottomless abyss. You're part of a crew tasked to explore it.
  76. You are the first person to reach 150 years old, and you don't seem to be stopping there.
  77. A world where the oceans have dried up and the race is on to find the last remaining source of water.
  78. After Earth's devastation, the remaining humans live in the digital world. A virus is causing the digital world to collapse.
  79. In a world where robots serve humanity, one robot starts to question its purpose.
  80. In a society where human touch is taboo, you accidentally touch someone's hand.
  81. In a world where everyone has a robot double, your double goes rogue.
  82. In a society that has achieved immortality, suicide is the greatest crime.
  83. The Earth's atmosphere has been replaced with a toxic one. You're a scientist working on a solution.
  84. A world where everyone has an assigned dream they must follow. Your dream assignment is not what you expected.
  85. Humanity has discovered the secret of telekinesis, leading to a power imbalance.
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  87. You've just been elected as the leader of the last city on Earth.
  88. In a world where humans can transfer their consciousness into animals, animal rights take on a new meaning.
  89. A society in which every thought and memory is shared with everyone else. One day, someone has a thought that no one else can see.
  90. In a society where your social status is determined by the number of your followers, a person with zero followers becomes the most powerful.
  91. After achieving faster-than-light travel, humanity encounters their first alien species - and they are not friendly.
  92. The human race is split into two species, one that has embraced biotechnology, and the other that rejects all forms of it.
  93. In a world where people can sell their memories, you stumble upon a black market memory that could change everything.
  94. Everyone in your city is required to wear a mask that suppresses their identity. You're the only one without a mask.
  95. Earth is no longer habitable and humanity now lives on a spaceship. The spaceship is failing.
  96. In a society where every human is microchipped at birth, you are the only one without a chip.
  97. A world where creativity is a disease. You're an artist trying to hide your affliction.
  98. A world where dreams can be manipulated. A 'dream terrorist' is causing chaos.
  99. Humanity lives in a virtual reality utopia while the real world is in ruins. You've just been unplugged against your will.
  100. In a world where everyone is assigned a robot at birth, your robot is malfunctioning.
  101. Sponsored Content

Isabella Mitchell Isabella Mitchell: A reclusive wordsmith known for her enigmatic charm, Isabella finds solace in moonlit nights, where her pen dances effortlessly, painting tales of mystery and romance under the shimmering stars. She shares her home with a loyal feline companion named Luna, who often perches beside her as she writes, serving as her muse and silent confidante.

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