
85 Magical Artifacts writing prompts

Power within the Relics

Daily Magical Artifacts Prompt

A character finds a tree that bears fruit which grants knowledge.

Magical artifacts genre involves stories centered around objects imbued with magical properties. These narratives often explore the origins, powers, and the pursuit of such artifacts, blending elements of adventure, fantasy, and often, danger.

  1. Your protagonist discovers a lamp in their attic that houses a genie.
  2. A character finds an ancient amulet that allows them to communicate with animals.
  3. Your protagonist is a museum curator who realizes one of the exhibits is a powerful magical artifact.
  4. A character discovers a sword that grants invincibility to its wielder but at a great cost.
  5. Your protagonist finds a mirror that shows the viewer's future.
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  7. A character inherits a mysterious box that can't be opened.
  8. Your protagonist is a blacksmith who crafts a magical weapon.
  9. A character finds a book that brings whatever is written in it to life.
  10. Your protagonist is an archaeologist who uncovers a powerful magical artifact on a dig.
  11. A character finds a pair of glasses that lets them see the unseen.
  12. Your protagonist is given a key that can open any lock.
  13. A character finds a map that leads to a hidden world.
  14. Your protagonist inherits a locket that allows them to travel through time.
  15. A character finds a ring that makes them invisible when worn.
  16. Your protagonist is a thief who steals a dangerous magical artifact.
  17. A character finds a feather that allows them to fly.
  18. Your protagonist finds a cloak that gives them the ability to shape-shift.
  19. A character discovers a gemstone that lets them control elements.
  20. Your protagonist stumbles upon a scepter that can raise the dead.
  21. A character finds a watch that can stop time.
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  23. Your protagonist is an antique dealer who acquires a music box that plays a tune causing supernatural occurrences.
  24. A character uncovers a coin that always lands on the outcome they desire.
  25. Your protagonist finds an enchanted quill that writes the truth.
  26. A character discovers a magical artifact that the villains are after.
  27. Your protagonist is a historian who realizes a famous artifact has magical properties.
  28. A character finds a totem that allows them to control dreams.
  29. Your protagonist acquires a painting that changes based on the viewer's emotions.
  30. A character discovers an hourglass that can reverse or accelerate time.
  31. Your protagonist is a librarian who stumbles upon a magical book in the library's restricted section.
  32. A character finds a charm that protects them from all harm.
  33. Your protagonist acquires a compass that points to what the holder wants most.
  34. A character finds a helmet that gives them psychic abilities.
  35. Your protagonist is an art restorer who discovers a magical artifact hidden within a painting.
  36. A character finds a flute that when played, can summon creatures.
  37. Your protagonist acquires an enchanted rose that never withers.
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  39. A character stumbles upon a stone that gives them extraordinary strength.
  40. Your protagonist is given a potion that can cure any ailment.
  41. A character finds an old photograph that they can step into.
  42. Your protagonist discovers a necklace that lets them hear the thoughts of others.
  43. A character discovers a lantern that reveals hidden doors.
  44. Your protagonist is a treasure hunter who finds a relic that grants eternal youth.
  45. A character uncovers a diary that predicts the future.
  46. Your protagonist is a pawn shop owner who buys a magical artifact unknowingly.
  47. A character finds a pair of boots that lets them walk on any surface, even water and air.
  48. Your protagonist uncovers an enchanted ship in a bottle that becomes full size when uncorked.
  49. A character finds a magical fountain pen whose ink never runs out.
  50. Your protagonist acquires a broomstick that allows them to fly.
  51. A character discovers a magic hat that can produce any item the wearer thinks of.
  52. Your protagonist is an explorer who finds an artifact that can control weather.
  53. A character discovers a bell that when rung, summons an entity.
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  55. Your protagonist is a knight who's been entrusted with a magical shield.
  56. A character finds a tree that bears fruit which grants knowledge.
  57. Your protagonist is given a pocket watch that allows them to travel between dimensions.
  58. A character uncovers a toy that comes to life at night.
  59. Your protagonist stumbles upon a crown that bestows kingly authority over all creatures.
  60. A character discovers a lyre that causes anyone who hears it to fall asleep.
  61. Your protagonist is an alchemist who creates a potion of invisibility.
  62. A character finds a chalice that never empties.
  63. Your protagonist acquires an orb that shows the location of anything the holder desires.
  64. A character discovers a quiver that never runs out of arrows.
  65. Your protagonist is a fisherman who finds a pearl that grants wishes.
  66. A character finds a box that contains their deepest fear.
  67. Your protagonist discovers a mystical artifact that chooses its owner.
  68. A character stumbles upon a ring that binds them to an ancient spirit.
  69. Your protagonist is a scientist who comes across a stone that negates all magic.
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  71. A character discovers a staff that can control plants.
  72. Your protagonist is a warrior who wields a weapon that can kill immortals.
  73. A character finds a loom that weaves the fabric of reality.
  74. Your protagonist discovers a harp that can control emotions.
  75. A character finds a magical spyglass that can see through walls.
  76. Your protagonist is a magician who crafts a deck of tarot cards that predict true futures.
  77. A character discovers a feather quill that writes prophecies.
  78. Your protagonist is a potter who crafts a magical clay that can create golems.
  79. A character finds a horn that can summon legendary beasts.
  80. Your protagonist discovers a dagger that absorbs the abilities of its victims.
  81. A character stumbles upon a bag that is always full of gold coins.
  82. Your protagonist is a collector who comes across a mysterious egg that begins to hatch.
  83. A character finds a book that writes itself based on the reader's imagination.
  84. Your protagonist discovers a chest that duplicates whatever is put inside it.
  85. A character finds a set of scales that can weigh a person's soul.
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  87. Your protagonist is an adventurer who finds a mask that reveals the true form of anyone it sees.
  88. A character discovers a magic crystal that powers an ancient city.
  89. Your protagonist is a scholar who deciphers a magical tome that grants immense knowledge.
  90. A character finds a whistle that can control the wind.
  91. Your protagonist stumbles upon a magical seed that grows into a tree overnight.
  92. Sponsored Content

Emery TurnerEmery Turner: With the heart of a wanderer, Emery’s pen follows the rhythm of the flowing river, penning poignant tales of self-discovery, mirroring life’s ever-changing course. An avid traveler, Emery’s journeys around the world breathe authenticity into the diverse cultures and landscapes painted on the canvas of their stories.

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