
91 Magical Realism writing prompts

Ordinary Life, Extraordinary Elements

Daily Magical Realism Prompt

A woman can speak to flowers, and they always tell the truth.

Magical realism merges the real and the fantastic. It presents a realistic world that's intruded upon by magic, blending the mundane and the extraordinary in seamless narratives.

  1. Every time a child in town makes a wish on their birthday, it comes true. One child wishes for something unexpected.
  2. A woman finds that whenever she sings, people around her relive their happiest memory.
  3. After a heartbreak, a man wakes up to find a miniature cloud constantly raining over his head.
  4. A teenage girl discovers that every poem she writes inexplicably becomes reality.
  5. On the night of a lunar eclipse, the residents of a small town temporarily exchange souls.
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  7. A small island community wakes up to find that the sea around them has turned into a giant, living jelly-like creature.
  8. In a city where people age only when they fall in love, one woman remains young and timeless despite many romances.
  9. An abandoned well in a small town fulfills one wish every decade. This year, it's your turn.
  10. A young boy finds an old map where unknown islands appear every full moon.
  11. Every person in town shares the same dream each night. One day, the dream stops.
  12. An old man has the ability to see people's emotions as colors. One day he meets a woman who is colorless.
  13. A young woman receives a locket that lets her listen to the heartbeat of her soulmate, who she has yet to meet.
  14. A family inherits an orchard of invisible fruit that only they can see and taste.
  15. After a storm, all the people in a small town wake up with a different person's reflection.
  16. In a remote town, time stands still for one hour every day at noon.
  17. Every person in a city has a bird that follows them around, acting as their guardian angel.
  18. An old lady in the town bakes bread, and each loaf has the ability to evoke a specific memory when eaten.
  19. Once every century, a mysterious circus comes to town. The citizens can't help but be drawn towards it.
  20. A small girl plants her baby teeth in the backyard and a strange tree begins to grow.
  21. A city's streetlights are controlled by the dreams of its inhabitants.
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  23. One day, people start to see the strings of fate connecting soulmates.
  24. An old watchmaker has the ability to craft watches that can turn back time, but only for the person it's designed for.
  25. An island exists where the inhabitants don't sleep, but once a year, they all fall into a deep sleep for 24 hours.
  26. On a hidden beach, there is a single tree that grows fruit in the shape of people's biggest fears.
  27. Every time a baby is born in the village, a new flower blooms in the mysterious garden in the town square.
  28. The town's oldest tree holds a secret; it can show anyone their future in its knots and branches.
  29. A single train line runs through the country, but instead of towns or cities, it stops at significant moments in history.
  30. A man inherits a house where each door leads to a different point in the previous owner's life.
  31. A woman has a unique talent; she can taste the emotions of the person who prepared the food she's eating.
  32. Every year on their birthday, individuals can relive one memory of their choosing.
  33. A city exists where everyone can hear each other's thoughts, but one child is born without this ability.
  34. A couple finds a magical record player that plays the soundtrack of their life together.
  35. A small village has no mirrors. Instead, a local artist paints portraits that reflect the person's inner self.
  36. A bookshop appears in town overnight where each book contains a story from a person's life in the town.
  37. A young man is the only person in his town who ages. Everyone else is perpetually stuck at the age of 25.
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  39. On the first snowfall of every year, everyone in the village swaps bodies with someone else at random.
  40. Every time someone in the town tells a lie, a flower grows in the liar's garden.
  41. A painter discovers his paintings come to life, but only during sunrise and sunset.
  42. A young woman can see everyone's life thread but her own.
  43. In a world where people float as they grow older, a young man remains grounded.
  44. In a town where everyone's dreams come true, a young girl dreams of the town's destruction.
  45. An old woman keeps a journal that records the town's future. One day, the pages start to remain blank.
  46. A city is divided by a river. On one side, it's perpetually day, while it's always night on the other side.
  47. In a world where you age as you fall out of love, an old couple rekindles their love to regain their youth.
  48. A struggling musician discovers that his music can manipulate the seasons.
  49. A town exists where every citizen has a unique shadow that has a life of its own.
  50. A woman can turn invisible, but only when she's feeling ignored.
  51. A woman finds a diary that describes events from her life, but the diary was written 50 years ago.
  52. One day, everyone wakes up to find their houses have grown legs and moved to a different location.
  53. A solitary lighthouse keeper realizes the light from his lighthouse shows people their past when they look directly into it.
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  55. On one island, all the inhabitants are blind, but they can see the future in their dreams.
  56. A woman can speak to flowers, and they always tell the truth.
  57. A small town is cursed to repeat the same day over and over, but only one boy is aware of the loop.
  58. A library exists where books read you instead of the other way around.
  59. A mysterious mailbox in the town center receives letters from the past and future.
  60. An old man plants words instead of seeds, and they grow into plants that embody the meaning of the word.
  61. In a city where the rain makes people forget, one woman remembers everything.
  62. One day, a small town wakes up to find that all the buildings have disappeared and only people remain.
  63. A woman who never cries gives birth to a river when she finally does.
  64. The residents of a seaside town realize they can breathe underwater.
  65. Every time someone falls in love in the town, a new star appears in the night sky.
  66. A man's tattoos come to life when he's asleep.
  67. A lonely man finds a strange radio that broadcasts news from parallel universes.
  68. A town where every person has an echo of themselves, which is a manifestation of their subconscious thoughts.
  69. A girl befriends a ghost that only she can see and touch.
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  71. A mysterious bus appears every midnight, taking passengers on a ride through their past.
  72. In a world where shadows are sentient, a girl is born without one.
  73. A pocket watch passed down through generations allows its bearer to pause time, but only for as long as their heart stops beating.
  74. A young boy's drawings come to life, but only he can see and interact with them.
  75. A woman receives a locket that shows the current view from her childhood home.
  76. A town finds a statue of a stranger who nobody remembers, but everyone starts having dreams about.
  77. In a city where everyone can change their physical appearance at will, one man decides to never change his appearance.
  78. A baker's pastries have the ability to evoke specific emotions in those who eat them.
  79. In a world where everyone sees in black and white, a young artist has the ability to see and create color.
  80. A woman keeps aging backwards whenever she experiences a significant life event.
  81. A man finds a pair of glasses that let him see people's thoughts.
  82. A museum where each artifact shows the viewer a scene from their past, present, or future.
  83. A couple discovers a mirror that reflects what their life together will look like in five years.
  84. A young boy wakes up one day to find he can hear the conversations of stars.
  85. In a city where everyone's lifespan is written on their wrists, one woman is born with infinity symbol.
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  87. Every photograph a young woman takes captures not the moment but the future of what she focuses on.
  88. A town is built on a giant sleeping creature, the buildings and trees rise and fall with its breath.
  89. In a city that never sees the sun, one day a single beam of sunlight breaks through.
  90. A man finds a clock that counts down the remaining happy moments in his life.
  91. In a world where each person has a specific scent based on their emotions, a woman has no scent at all.
  92. A woman moves to a town where the wind carries people's whispered secrets.
  93. A boy can see strings attached to people, which lead them to important places in their life.
  94. An old man in a village can remember things that never happened.
  95. A city's graffiti comes alive at night and tells the city's stories.
  96. In a world where you physically shrink as you age, a 100-year-old woman is the size of a baby but with a century of wisdom.
  97. A town's reflection in the lake shows the town from 20 years in the past.
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Winston HayesWinston Hayes: An old soul with a pen as his trusted companion, Winston draws inspiration from the whispers of ancient trees, sharing timeless stories that stand tall, like the steadfast oaks he holds dear. In his leisure, you’ll find Winston wandering through lush forests, seeking serenity among nature’s wonders, which often find their way into his enchanting narratives.

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